Revision Tip for Christmas #1 from The LangLit Studio: Conquer GCSE/iGCSE Literature!
So, your child has a Literature mock exam looming, and they’re either meticulously learning quotes, dutifully re-reading the text, or—let’s face it—cramming the entire thing for the first time. Admirable effort! But let’s cut to the chase: it’s not about how many quotes they can rattle off or how well they can summarise the plot. The game at iGCSE/GCSE level is all about how they handle the question, develop an argument, and structure their essay.
Here’s the plan:
Timer, pen, paper, go! Pick a past paper question and spend 10 minutes max writing a structured plan (this is where you actively use the quotes rather than repeat them, underline the word/phrase that you are going to analytically explode).
Check that plan against the mark scheme and indicative content - were they close to the examiner’s roadmap, or did they dump all they knew about the character or theme, disregarding the question focus entirely? Do this together - it is sometimes hard for a student to see the wood from the trees (a little like Macbeth) - it takes practice. Either way, fill in the gaps in a different colour for clarity.
Write the introduction. Just 5 minutes. Make it sharp, focused, and loaded with a clear thesis statement that tackles the question head-on.
Reward with an active break (jumping jacks, snack break, TikTok binge—you do you).
Repeat the process with another question.
This routine doesn’t just prep them for what the exam throws their way - it builds confidence, fine-tunes time management, and turns revision into something that actually sticks. Come January, they’ll be the student who knows what ‘analyse’ and ‘evaluate’ actually mean on the mark scheme, not just someone who can list five quotes about Macbeth’s dagger.
Need a little extra help? If you’d like support with the revision stage or guidance on how to tackle mock feedback and prep for the final leg to summer exams, book a free 20-minute consultation with Sophie Welsh at Online revision sessions could be the game-changer your child needs.
Now, get planning - and may your break be as productive as it is festive!